Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Balloon Stress Balls

With school in full swing I'm feeling pretty stressed almost daily with tests and papers every way I turn. I've decided to make my own stress balls and I've decided to share the idea with all of you!

Things you will need:
1. A balloon (or more than one if you wish)
2. A funnel
3. Flour, sand or playdoh.

What to do:
1. Stretch the opening of the balloon over the end of the funnel.
2. Fill the balloon to the desired fullness (based on you squeezing it) with the desired material. Different fillings give different textures so the choice of filling is completely to your preference. Playdoh tends to be fun if you like to push your stress ball into various shapes for fun. I find a mostly-full balloon of flour to be the best for squeezing during times of stress personally.
3. Tie off the end of the balloon as normal.
4. Voila! You just made your own stress ball to squeeze just before that exam is handed out. Good luck!

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